From great challenge
comes great opportunity.

We help you deliver plans, policies and partnerships to transcend the certainty of climate change and shape Australia’s future environment.

For over 25 years we’ve delivered catchment and biodiversity policy, climate adaptation strategies and urban open space planning.

Expanding the presence of adaptive, multi-benefit landscapes locally or at other scales.

We believe that opportunities to put our environment on the path to climate adaptation open up when the strengths of government and private investors are integrated with science and stakeholder ideas.

William Rickets mountain ash tree

We partner with you to identify opportunities to achieve adaptive and beneficial landscapes through our expertise in:

  • All levels of government and governance

  • Policy development methods

  • Sustainable farming, resilient land management and carbon biosequestration calculations from revegetation

  • Ecological restoration design — getting on the path to climate adaptation, integrating habitat with social/economic activities

  • Business development and environmental markets

  • Climate change modelling — impacts on natural and productive landscapes, water outcomes and sea-level rise implications.

  • Environmental sciences (agriculture, ecology, climate adaptation)

  • Social science and stakeholder engagement


Our team can contribute to or deliver strategy and tactics through designing and implementing for you:

  • Facilitated community and stakeholder strategy days 

  • Assessments of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (and associated) climate research implications

  • Arrangements to support mutually beneficial cross-sector partnerships

  • Strategy reviews, horizon scanning and environmental market analysis to expand opportunities for change

  • Methods to combine institutional and local expertise, with our own climate change modelling to deliver evidence-based (nature-based) paths to climate adaptation

    Future Paths also seeks opportunities across agricultural and conservation estates to utilise Traditional Owner–led practices to deliver social, ecological and economic co-benefits.

Want to know more?