How we work

Future Paths can help you reveal new opportunities while tackling climate and conservation challenges.

Our first step is to ensure we fully understand your goals and objectives. Then, with innovation in mind we can develop plans and programs to maximise your impact – working with your in-house teams (if preferred).

Turning climate and conservation challenges into opportunities

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    Policies and strategies

    We can offer you guidance on the implications of climate science predictions for landscapes, institutional policy, programs and investments. We’re skilled at futures scanning in combination with our climate impact modelling. We catalyse new partnerships for social and ecological solutions and facilitate investor alignment to leverage a more significant impact on biodiversity and climate adaptation. We can design powerful and short processes to construct policy advice on sustainable land management approaches that assist threatened species while protecting ecosystem services (including carbon biosequestration calculations).

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    We work with stakeholders to develop advice for institutions, groups and individuals to step onto the path to climate adaptation. For example, we can help farmers navigate and prosper in environmental markets using nature-based steps to climate adaptation, or advise a local council on climate implications for open space assets.

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    Co-investment frameworks

    We can recommend options to accelerate nature-based, achievable climate adaptation, opening the way to various climate change mitigation actions. We can suggest government or corporate policy and make co-investment recommendations to shape measurable contributions to climate restoration.

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    Reports, roadmaps & implementation plans

    We can package our guidance, advice and recommendations into a reliable roadmap. Framed by a practical time trajectory of milestones, we’ll work with you to implement your roadmap to climate resilience.

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    Symposiums and charrettes

    Targeted dialogue on the topics that matter. We can plan, implement, participate in, and produce papers from purpose-structured stakeholder and public ideation events. Aiming to match elegant answers with big policy questions, we can convene events from workshop-size through to targeted symposiums.